Die wichtige Arbeit der Feuerwehr in Österreich


Die wichtige Arbeit der Feuerwehr in Österreich

Die Feuerwehr in Österreich leistet tagtäglich wichtige Arbeit, um die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung zu gewährleisten. Egal ob bei Bränden, Verkehrsunfällen, Naturkatastrophen oder anderen Notfällen - die Feuerwehr ist immer zur Stelle, um zu helfen.

Diese Einsätze zu dokumentieren und darüber zu berichten, ist von großer Bedeutung. Es hilft zum einen, die Professionalität und den selbstlosen Einsatz der Feuerwehrleute ins richtige Licht zu rücken. Zum anderen erfüllt es aber auch einen informativen Zweck für die Bevölkerung. Indem über Einsätze berichtet wird, kann analysiert werden, wo die häufigsten Notfälle auftreten und wie man präventiv handeln kann. Auch ist es wichtig, die Leistungen und Herausforderungen der Feuerwehr transparent zu machen. Nur wenn die Gesellschaft versteht, unter welchen Bedingungen die Feuerwehr arbeitet, kann gezielt Unterstützung geleistet werden.

Diese Website hat es sich daher zum Ziel gesetzt, über aktuelle und vergangene Feuerwehreinsätze in Österreich zu berichten. Im Folgenden erfahren Sie mehr über die häufigsten Einsatzarten, beeindruckende Rettungsaktionen, die Ausbildung und Ausrüstung der Feuerwehr sowie Sicherheitstipps für jeden Einzelnen.

Most Common Firefighter Missions

Austrian firefighters respond to a variety of emergency calls on a daily basis. Though no two days are ever exactly the same, there are several types of missions that firefighters frequently carry out.

House Fires

Putting out fires in residential and commercial buildings is one of the most common jobs for firefighters. House fires can start from a variety of causes, including electrical issues, unattended cooking, smoking materials, and more. When a fire breaks out in a home or business, firefighters must work quickly to suppress the flames before they can spread. Their top priorities are rescuing anyone trapped inside and preventing the fire from impacting neighboring structures.


Wildfires in forests and grasslands require a coordinated response from multiple fire crews. These natural disasters often ignite during dry seasons and can grow rapidly under windy conditions. Firefighters have to battle terrain, weather, and the sheer scale of wildfires. Their efforts focus on creating firebreaks to stop the spread of flames and extinguishing hot spots.

Traffic Accidents

Austrian firefighters are regularly called to vehicle crashes to assist injured passengers and secure accident scenes. Using hydraulic tools and other specialized equipment, they work to extract victims trapped inside damaged vehicles. Fire crews also help stabilize vehicles, clean up debris, and prevent further hazards at accident sites.

Technical Assistance Calls

Beyond fires and crashes, firefighters provide emergency technical assistance in all kinds of situations. They frequently respond to stuck elevators, gas leaks, downed power lines, water rescues, and industrial accidents. Firefighters have the skills and gear to safely handle various technical rescue challenges. Their expertise is crucial for mitigating dangerous scenarios and hazards.

Notable Recent Missions

In recent years, firefighters in Austria have responded to their fair share of challenging and dangerous missions. Two that stand out are the large wildfire in Lower Austria in 2020 and the rescues during the flooding in Upper Austria in 2022.

Large Wildfire in Lower Austria

In the summer of 2020, firefighters battled a devastating wildfire in the district of Gutenstein in Lower Austria. The fire broke out on July 24th and burned through about 115 hectares of forest over the span of five days. At the height of the blaze, around 400 firefighters were called into action along with several helicopters dropping water to contain the flames.

Strong winds and dry conditions fueled the fire's spread across steep forested terrain, making it extremely difficult for firefighters to access. They worked tirelessly day and night to prevent the wildfire from reaching residential areas. Thankfully, no lives were lost and firefighters were able to fully contain the blaze by July 28th. It was the largest forest fire Lower Austria had seen in over a decade.

Rescuing People from Floods in Upper Austria

In the summer of 2022, Austria experienced severe flooding that impacted regions across the country. Some of the worst flooding occurred in Upper Austria along the Aist River. On July 18th, the river swelled after heavy rains, bursting its banks in several towns including Schwertberg.

Firefighters worked for days rescuing trapped residents from flooded homes and buildings. They used boats and amphibious vehicles to evacuate hundreds of people to safety. The fast rising waters made operations extremely hazardous. Tragically, one firefighter lost his life while trying to rescue residents.

The dramatic floods highlighted the brave and essential work Austria's firefighters do to protect lives even when facing great risks themselves. Their efforts in Schwertberg and other impacted areas were nothing short of heroic.

Firefighter Training

Becoming a firefighter in Austria requires extensive training to ensure first responders are prepared for the immense physical and mental demands of the job. The training process generally takes 1-2 years and includes education in firefighting techniques, emergency medical response, and rescue operations.

The basic training to become a professional firefighter is provided at fire service schools run by the government. Trainees undergo rigorous physical conditioning to meet the fitness requirements of firefighting. This includes strength training, endurance, and skills like climbing ladders and hauling hoses. Academics cover a wide range of topics like fire chemistry and behavior, emergency medical care, hazmat response, and technical rescue. Firefighters also receive hands-on training for various emergency scenarios through live simulations and drills.

In addition to initial training, firefighters must stay current through ongoing education and skills development. There is mandatory continuing education on the latest techniques, as well as training exercises to maintain operational readiness. Specialized units like hazardous materials response or marine rescue require additional certification. Promotions to leadership ranks involve management and command training tailored to higher levels of responsibility.

Firefighting is an incredibly demanding job, both mentally and physically. But with extensive training, firefighters develop the skills to respond effectively and help save lives when their communities need them most. The education process ensures that Austria's firefighters are always prepared to protect the public by facing any emergency situation.

Special Units

In addition to traditional firefighting duties, Austrian fire departments have specialized units to handle unique emergency situations. These special units undergo intensive training to acquire the skills necessary for their role.

Mountain Rescue

The mountainous terrain of Austria presents unique challenges for emergency response. Specially trained mountain rescue units are prepared to access remote areas and navigate difficult conditions to help injured or stranded individuals. They use ropes, climbing equipment, and off-road vehicles to traverse rugged alpine environments. Knowledge of avalanche safety is also critical.

Water Rescue

Operating on Austria's lakes and rivers, water rescue units utilize boats and diving gear for their operations. They are trained in swift water rescue to deal with floods or fast moving water conditions. Scuba equipment allows access below the surface for submerged victims or objects. Ice rescues in frigid conditions are also part of their expertise.

Hazardous Materials

Chemical spills, gas leaks, and other hazardous materials require specialized handling. Hazmat units contain the dangers using protective equipment like encapsulating suits while assessing risks and coordinating cleanup. They identify unknown substances and determine the appropriate response. Their goal is to minimize harm to people, property, and the environment when dangerous materials are released.

Ausrüstung und Technologie

Die Feuerwehr verfügt über eine Vielzahl von Spezialausrüstungen und modernsten Technologien, um ihre lebensrettenden Einsätze durchzuführen.

Persönliche Schutzausrüstung

Feuerwehrleute tragen spezielle schützende Kleidung, die sie vor Hitze, Flammen und Rauch schützt. Dazu gehören feuerfeste Overalls, Helme, Handschuhe, Stiefel und Atemschutzgeräte. Moderne Schutzkleidung besteht aus hitzebeständigen, feuerhemmenden Materialien wie Nomex. Durch Kevlar-Verstärkungen ist sie auch schlagfest und schützt vor Verletzungen.


Die Feuerwehr verfügt über eine Flotte von maßgeschneiderten Fahrzeugen für jeden Einsatz. Typische Feuerwehrfahrzeuge sind Tanklöschfahrzeuge mit einer leistungsstarken Pumpe, um schnell große Mengen Wasser zum Brandherd zu pumpen. Weitere wichtige Fahrzeuge sind Drehleitern, Rüst- und Rettungswagen, sowie Einsatzleitwagen zur Koordination von Großeinsätzen. Moderne Feuerwehrfahrzeuge verfügen über neue Technologien für mehr Effizienz.

Weitere Schlüsseltools und Technologien

Neben Fahrzeugen ist die Feuerwehr mit fortschrittlichen Werkzeugen ausgestattet, wie hydraulischen Rettungsgeräten zum Öffnen von verunglückten Fahrzeugen. Digitale Funkgeräte ermöglichen eine reibungslose Kommunikation zwischen den Einsatzkräften. Thermobildkameras können versteckte Glutnester aufspüren. Mit tragbaren Lüftern können giftige Rauchgase aus Gebäuden beseitigt werden. Solche modernen Technologien unterstützen die Feuerwehr bei der Rettung von Menschenleben.

Fire Safety Tips

Fire safety is extremely important for every home. There are several key tips to keep in mind:

Maintain Smoke Alarms

  • Test smoke alarms monthly by pushing the test button. This ensures they are working properly.
  • Change smoke alarm batteries twice a year. An easy way to remember is to change batteries when the clocks change for daylight savings.
  • Replace smoke alarms every 10 years. Smoke alarms lose sensitivity over time.

Create a Fire Escape Plan

  • Map out at least two ways to exit every room in your home.
  • Pick a meeting place outside, like a tree or mailbox, where everyone will meet after exiting.
  • Practice your fire escape plan twice a year, including exiting your home and meeting at the designated spot. This ensures everyone understands what to do.
  • Close doors behind you as you exit to slow the spread of flames and smoke.

Use Caution with Candles and Appliances

  • Never leave burning candles unattended. Extinguish them before leaving a room.
  • Keep candles away from flammable items like curtains, bedding and upholstered furniture.
  • Do not overload electrical outlets. Use surge protectors when needed.
  • Unplug small appliances when not in use to prevent electrical fires.
  • Keep stovetops clean and free of items that could catch fire while cooking.

Following basic fire safety tips can greatly reduce the risk of fires and keep your family safe. Make fire safety part of your regular household routine.

Feuerwehrmänner erzählen ihre Geschichten

Die Feuerwehrleute in Österreich riskieren täglich ihr Leben, um andere zu retten. Obwohl ihre Arbeit extrem gefährlich ist, bleiben sie immer engagiert und motiviert. Um einen Einblick in das Leben dieser heldenhaften Retter zu erhalten, haben wir einige von ihnen nach ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen und den denkwürdigsten Einsätzen ihrer Karriere gefragt.

Einsatz in brennendem Hochhaus

Lukas, ein 20-jähriger Feuerwehrmann aus Wien, erinnert sich an einen Einsatz in einem brennenden Hochhaus, der ihm besonders in Erinnerung geblieben ist:

"Als wir ankamen, schlugen die Flammen bereits aus mehreren Fenstern im 8. Stock. Wir mussten uns sofort an die Evakuierung der Bewohner machen. Dichter Rauch erschwerte die Sicht und viele Menschen waren in Panik. Wir mussten sie beruhigen und sicher aus dem Gebäude bringen.

In einer Wohnung fanden wir eine ältere Frau, die nicht mehr laufen konnte. Ich habe sie auf meinen Rücken genommen und die Treppe hinuntergetragen. Es war eine enge und gefährliche Situation, aber zum Glück konnten wir alle Bewohner retten. Am Ende des Tages war ich erschöpft, aber sehr glücklich, dass wir alle heil herausgekommen sind."

Kind aus brennendem Auto befreit

Thomas, ein 30-jähriger Feuerwehrmann aus Graz, erinnert sich an eine Rettungsaktion, die ihm immer in Erinnerung bleiben wird:

"Wir wurden zu einem Autounfall gerufen, bei dem ein PKW von der Straße abgekommen und in Flammen aufgegangen war. Als wir ankamen, sahen wir, dass ein kleines Kind noch im Fahrzeug feststeckte. Die Mutter stand schockiert daneben. Ohne zu zögern gingen meine Kollegen und ich zu dem brennenden Auto und versuchten, die Tür zu öffnen, aber sie war verklemmt.

Ich musste die Scheibe einschlagen, um das Kind herauszuziehen, während die anderen mit Feuerlöschern die Flammen bekämpften. In letzter Sekunde konnten wir das Kind befreien, bevor das Auto komplett ausbrannte. Der Anblick der erleichterten Mutter mit ihrem Kind in den Armen ist etwas, das ich niemals vergessen werde."

Get Involved

Getting involved with your local fire department is a great way to support the brave men and women who put their lives on the line. Here are some ideas for how you can help:


Many fire departments have volunteer programs where community members can assist with non-emergency tasks. Duties may include office work, event support, fire safety education, equipment maintenance and more. Volunteering is a rewarding experience and helps free up firefighters for critical needs. Contact your local department to learn about volunteer opportunities.


Fire departments often rely on public donations for funding specialized equipment, training programs, charity events and other needs not covered by local government budgets. You can make a general donation or give to a specific cause dear to your heart. Monetary gifts of any size are appreciated. You can also donate gently used fire gear, safety educational materials, snacks/drinks for the firehouse and other useful items.

Supporting Firefighters

Beyond volunteering and donations, there are many small ways to support the firefighters in your neighborhood. Bring homemade food/treats by the station to help fuel long shifts. Send thank you cards to uplift firefighter morale and let them know their service is valued. Attend fundraising events hosted by the department. Advocate for adequate funding and resources for your local fire department. Offer to help spruce up the firehouse by weeding, planting, painting or other tasks. Simply telling firefighters "thank you for your service" as you see them around town can make a difference.

Getting involved at any level - whether through volunteering, donations, kind words or small acts of service - helps strengthen firefighters' connection to the community. They devote themselves to protecting us, so let's show them support in return!


Firefighters play a vital role in protecting the public and responding to emergencies. As outlined in this article, they undertake a wide range of critical missions that require extensive training, specialized equipment, and personal sacrifice.

Documenting the daily work of firefighters provides a valuable record of the service they provide to the community. This article has summarized key aspects of firefighting operations, including common mission types, training requirements, tools and technology, and safety precautions. While each day brings new challenges, firefighters consistently demonstrate courage, skill, and dedication.

The missions highlighted in these pages provide just a glimpse of the diverse services performed by firefighters. Their selfless efforts save lives and property every day. The risks firefighters take underscore the importance of fire safety and prevention. We all gain a better understanding of these first responders by learning more about their experiences.

This documentation of firefighter missions in Austria honors those who put service above self. The stories, skills, and sacrifices of these essential personnel deserve recognition. Just as they watch over the community, we must support the needs of our local fire companies. The work of firefighters protects us all.